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Archived Blog Posts
Showing 2 posts from September 2017.

Working Toward Consensus on Aid Redesign and Reform
It is not easy and often impossible to reach a consensus in Washington these days. When it occurs, it is worth noting. With regard to how the United States manages its foreign aid programs and the President’s Executive Order calling for a redesign of government departments and agencies, including our lead development agency, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), we are approaching consensus and may achieve it with a little more work.... Read More

U.S. oil companies and the Trump administration are lagging in the effort to combat global corruption
Corruption costs $2 trillion a year around the world, and is a leading cause of the poverty that breeds terrorism and triggers destabilizing flows of economic migrants. The problem is particularly acute with natural resource extraction--oil, gas and mining--where despite years of effort, there has been virtually no overall progress in reducing the level of corruption. In resource-rich developing nations across the globe, an estimated 1.8 billion people live in poverty because their country’s wealth is dissipated by corruption.... Read More